By giving this consent, you agree that Lj - Croatian Language School, legally Lj - obrt za poučavanje hrvatskoga jezika (hereinafter referred to as Lj - Croatian Language School) may contact you for the purpose of providing its services, selling, and promoting. The data will be used exclusively for these purposes, and Lj - Croatian Language School commits not to share the data with third parties. Only the data necessary for carrying out activities and charging for the services mentioned within the framework of Croatian legislation will be requested. All data will be kept under secure conditions in accordance with GDPR.

All materials used for teaching at Lj - Croatian Language School are the intellectual property of the owner of the craft, Marta Žigrović. Users agree not to share the materials with third parties and to use them exclusively for their own language learning purposes.

If a user wishes to express a compliment or complaint about the service, they can contact the official email


Davanjem ove privole pristajete na to da Vas Lj - Croatian Language School, u pravnom smislu Lj - obrt za poučavanje hrvatskoga jezika, vl. Marta Žigrović, Sveti Ivan Zelina (u daljnjem tekstu Lj - Croatian Language School) kontaktira u svrhu obavljanja svojih usluga, prodaje i promidžbe navedenih usluga. Podaci će se koristiti isključivo u navedene svrhe te se Lj - Croatian Language School obvezuje da neće dijeliti podatke s trećim strankama. Traže se isključivo podaci nužni za obavljanje djelatnosti i naplaćivanje navedenih usluga u okviru hrvatskog zakonodavstva. Svi se podaci čuvaju u sigurnim uvjetima u skladu s GDPR-om.

Svi materijali koji se koriste za poučavanje u Lj - Croatian Language School autorsko su vlasništvo vlasnice Obrta, Marte Žigrović. Korisnici se obvezuju da neće dijeliti materijale s trećim strankama te da će ih koristiti isključivo u svrhu vlastitoga učenja jezika.

Ako korisnik želi izraziti pohvalu i žalbu na uslugu, može se javiti na službeni mail